Fredensborg Kommune

- test foretaget d. 24-09-2020

Grafen viser at Fredensborg ligger nummer 43 ud af 98 kommuner
Grafen viser at Fredensborg har 28 fejl fordelt på tre sider
Grafen viser at 23% er over 64 år ifølge Danmarks Statistik, 29-4-2020
  • #43Nummer 43 ud af 98 kommuner.

  • 2828 fejl i alt fordelt på tre sider.

  • 23%23% af 40.865 er over 64 år.

Testen på Fredensborg Kommunes forside gav 10 fejl
#KriterieBeskrivelse af fejlenKode hvori der er fejlSti til fejlen
12.4.1Iframe element requires a non-empty title attribute that identifies the frame.
<iframe id=":2.container" class="goog-te-banner-frame skiptranslate" frameborder="0" src="javascript:''" style="visibility:visible"></iframe>
24.1.2Anchor element found with no link content and no name and/or ID attribute.
<a class="ccm__tab-head__icon-wedge" tabindex="0"><svg version="1.2" preserveAspe...</a>
#accordion-Necessary > a
34.1.2Anchor element found with no link content and no name and/or ID attribute.
<a class="ccm__tab-head__icon-wedge" tabindex="0"><svg version="1.2" preserveAspe...</a>
#accordion-Functionality > a
44.1.2Anchor element found with no link content and no name and/or ID attribute.
<a class="ccm__tab-head__icon-wedge" tabindex="0"><svg version="1.2" preserveAspe...</a>
#accordion-Statistics > a
54.1.2Anchor element found with no link content and no name and/or ID attribute.
<a class="ccm__tab-head__icon-wedge" tabindex="0"><svg version="1.2" preserveAspe...</a>
#accordion-Marketing > a
64.1.2This button element does not have a name available to an accessibility API. Valid names are: title undefined, element content, aria-label undefined, aria-labelledby undefined.
<button type="submit" class="btn topMenuButtons" id="topMenuSubmitButton"><span class="fa fa-search fa-lg...</button>
74.1.2This button element does not have a name available to an accessibility API. Valid names are: title undefined, element content, aria-label undefined, aria-labelledby undefined.
<button type="submit" class="btn frontpageButtons" id="frontpageSubmitButton"><span class="fa fa-search fa-lg...</button>
84.1.2This button element does not have a name available to an accessibility API. Valid names are: title undefined, element content, aria-label undefined, aria-labelledby undefined.
<button type="button" id="cdh_sign_cboxPrevious"></button>
94.1.2This button element does not have a name available to an accessibility API. Valid names are: title undefined, element content, aria-label undefined, aria-labelledby undefined.
<button type="button" id="cdh_sign_cboxNext"></button>
104.1.2This button element does not have a name available to an accessibility API. Valid names are: title undefined, element content, aria-label undefined, aria-labelledby undefined.
<button type="button" id="cdh_sign_cboxSlideshow"></button>