1 | 1.1.1 | Img element is the only content of the link, but is missing alt text. The alt text should describe the purpose of the link. | <a href="/" rel="home" title="Syddjurs Kommune" tabindex="1287">
<img src...</a>
| html > body > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > a
2 | 1.1.1 | Img element is the only content of the link, but is missing alt text. The alt text should describe the purpose of the link. | <a href="https://www.syddjurs.dk/borger/covid-19/coronavirus" target="_blank" tabindex="1370"><img typeof="foaf:Image" class=...</a>
| #forside > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div > div > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > a
3 | 1.1.1 | Img element is the only content of the link, but is missing alt text. The alt text should describe the purpose of the link. | <a href="https://www.syddjurs.dk/dagsorden/byraadet-16-09-2020" target="" tabindex="1372"><img typeof="foaf:Image" class=...</a>
| #forside > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(3) > div > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > span > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > a
4 | 1.1.1 | Img element is the only content of the link, but is missing alt text. The alt text should describe the purpose of the link. | <a href="https://www.syddjurs.dk/hoeringer/budget-2021-i-hoering" target="_blank" tabindex="1374"><img typeof="foaf:Image" class=...</a>
| #forside > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(3) > div > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(2) > span > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > a
5 | 1.1.1 | Img element is the only content of the link, but is missing alt text. The alt text should describe the purpose of the link. | <a href="https://www.syddjurs.dk/hoeringssvar.kommuneplan20.syddjurs.dk" target="" tabindex="1376"><img typeof="foaf:Image" class=...</a>
| #forside > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(3) > div > div > div > div > div:nth-child(3) > div:nth-child(2) > span > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > a
6 | 1.1.1 | Img element is the only content of the link, but is missing alt text. The alt text should describe the purpose of the link. | <a href="http://video.syddjurs.dk/c3207" title="Videokanal" target="_blank" tabindex="1413"><img typeof="foaf:Image" class=...</a>
| #forside > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(5) > div > div > div > div > div > div > a
7 | 1.1.1 | Img element missing an alt attribute. Use the alt attribute to specify a short text alternative. | <img typeof="foaf:Image" class="img-responsive" src="https://www.syddjurs.dk/sites/default/files/styles/os2web_spotbox_image_300/public/Billeder%20fra%20juni%202011%20027_34.jpg?itok=4EFt0jhr" width="300" height="261">
| #forside > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(5) > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > img
8 | 1.3.1 | Heading tag found with no content. Text that is not intended as a heading should not be marked up with heading tags. | <h4><a href="http://video.syddjurs....</h4>
| #forside > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(5) > div > div > div > div > div > div > div > h4
9 | 1.4.3 | This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 3.45:1. Recommendation: change text colour to #767676. | <a href="node/296679" title="Sundhedstilbud" target="" tabindex="1418">Rygestop, vægtstop, kræft...</a>
| #forside > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(7) > div > div > div > div > div > div > h3 > a
10 | 1.4.3 | This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 4.43:1. Recommendation: change background to #f6efef. | <h3>Borgerservice</h3>
| #mini-panel-footer_kontakt_info > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div > div > h3
11 | 1.4.3 | This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 4.43:1. Recommendation: change background to #f6efef. | <h3>Adresse</h3>
| #mini-panel-footer_kontakt_info > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > div > div > h3
12 | 1.4.3 | This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 4.43:1. Recommendation: change background to #f6efef. | <h3>Særlige lukkedage</h3>
| #mini-panel-footer_kontakt_info > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(5) > div > div > div > h3
13 | 1.4.3 | This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 4.43:1. Recommendation: change background to #f6efef. | <h3>Telefontid Callcenter</h3>
| #mini-panel-footer_kontakt_info > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div > div > h3:nth-child(1)
14 | 1.4.3 | This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 4.43:1. Recommendation: change background to #f6efef. | <h3>Den Digitale Hotline</h3>
| #mini-panel-footer_kontakt_info > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div > div > h3:nth-child(5)
15 | 1.4.3 | This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 4.43:1. Recommendation: change background to #f6efef. | <h3>Adgang for alle</h3>
| #mini-panel-footer_kontakt_info > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(5) > div > div > div > h3
16 | 1.4.3 | This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 3.29:1. Recommendation: change background to #1a1a1a. | <h2 class="pane-title">
Borger </h2>
| #mini-panel-os2web_base_panels_mini_footer > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(1) > h2
17 | 1.4.3 | This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 3.29:1. Recommendation: change background to #1a1a1a. | <h2 class="pane-title">
Erhverv </h2>
| #mini-panel-os2web_base_panels_mini_footer > div > div > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > div:nth-child(1) > h2
18 | 1.4.3 | This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 3.29:1. Recommendation: change background to #1a1a1a. | <h2 class="pane-title">
Politik & Planer...</h2>
| #mini-panel-os2web_base_panels_mini_footer > div > div > div > div:nth-child(5) > div > div:nth-child(1) > h2
19 | 1.4.3 | This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 3.29:1. Recommendation: change background to #1a1a1a. | <h2 class="pane-title">
Selvbetjening ...</h2>
| #mini-panel-os2web_base_panels_mini_footer > div > div > div > div:nth-child(7) > div > div:nth-child(1) > h2
20 | 2.4.1 | This link points to a named anchor "content" within the document, but no anchor exists with that name. | <a href="#content" class="element-invisible element-focusable" tabindex="1">
Gå til hovedindhold </a>
| #skip-link > a
21 | 3.1.1 | The html element should have a lang or xml:lang attribute which describes the language of the document. | <html class="js webanimations target template arrow no-contains svg no-touchevents supports csstransforms3d"><head>
<title>Syddjurs Kommu...</html>
| html
22 | 4.1.1 | Duplicate id attribute value "main-content" found on the web page. | <a id="main-content" tabindex="1369"></a>
| #main-content
23 | 4.1.2 | Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied. | <a href="#" class="js-megamenu-close" tabindex="1308"></a>
| #block-os2web-menus-os2web-menus > ul > li:nth-child(1) > div > a
24 | 4.1.2 | Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied. | <a href="#" class="js-megamenu-close" tabindex="1328"></a>
| #block-os2web-menus-os2web-menus > ul > li:nth-child(2) > div > a
25 | 4.1.2 | Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied. | <a href="#" class="js-megamenu-close" tabindex="1346"></a>
| #block-os2web-menus-os2web-menus > ul > li:nth-child(3) > div > a
26 | 4.1.2 | Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied. | <a href="#" class="js-megamenu-close" tabindex="1366"></a>
| #block-os2web-menus-os2web-menus > ul > li:nth-child(4) > div > a
27 | 4.1.2 | Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied. | <a href="https://www.ingenco2.dk/crt/dispcust/c/1941/l/2" target="_blank" tabindex="1494"><span class="icon-co2neutral-me...</a>
| #block-block-3 > div > a
28 | 4.1.2 | Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied. | <a href="#" id="loadingLink" tabindex="1516"></a>
| #loadingLink
29 | 4.1.2 | Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied. | <a id="bottomNavZoom" href="#" tabindex="1520"></a>
| #bottomNavZoom
30 | 4.1.2 | Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied. | <a id="bottomNavZoomOut" href="#" tabindex="1521"></a>
| #bottomNavZoomOut
31 | 4.1.2 | This button element does not have a name available to an accessibility API. Valid names are: title undefined, element content, aria-label undefined, aria-labelledby undefined. | <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"><span class="icon glyphicon gly...</button>
| #search-block-form > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > span > button