1 | 1.1.1 | Img element is the only content of the link, but is missing alt text. The alt text should describe the purpose of the link. | <a href="/" rel="home" title="Syddjurs Kommune" tabindex="1287">
<img src...</a>
| html > body > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > a
2 | 1.4.3 | This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 3.45:1. Recommendation: change text colour to #767676. | <a href="http://www.syddjurs.dk/tandpleje" target="" tabindex="1425">Tandpleje</a>
| #block-views-428d591c1dcba42e1f02e4d3e427c502 > div > div > div > div:nth-child(3) > span > h3 > a
3 | 1.4.3 | This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 4.43:1. Recommendation: change background to #f6efef. | <h3>Borgerservice</h3>
| #mini-panel-footer_kontakt_info > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div > div > h3
4 | 1.4.3 | This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 4.43:1. Recommendation: change background to #f6efef. | <h3>Adresse</h3>
| #mini-panel-footer_kontakt_info > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > div > div > h3
5 | 1.4.3 | This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 4.43:1. Recommendation: change background to #f6efef. | <h3>Særlige lukkedage</h3>
| #mini-panel-footer_kontakt_info > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(5) > div > div > div > h3
6 | 1.4.3 | This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 4.43:1. Recommendation: change background to #f6efef. | <h3>Telefontid Callcenter</h3>
| #mini-panel-footer_kontakt_info > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div > div > h3:nth-child(1)
7 | 1.4.3 | This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 4.43:1. Recommendation: change background to #f6efef. | <h3>Den Digitale Hotline</h3>
| #mini-panel-footer_kontakt_info > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div > div > h3:nth-child(5)
8 | 1.4.3 | This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 4.43:1. Recommendation: change background to #f6efef. | <h3>Adgang for alle</h3>
| #mini-panel-footer_kontakt_info > div:nth-child(2) > div > div:nth-child(5) > div > div > div > h3
9 | 1.4.3 | This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 3.29:1. Recommendation: change background to #1a1a1a. | <h2 class="pane-title">
Borger </h2>
| #mini-panel-os2web_base_panels_mini_footer > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(1) > h2
10 | 1.4.3 | This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 3.29:1. Recommendation: change background to #1a1a1a. | <h2 class="pane-title">
Erhverv </h2>
| #mini-panel-os2web_base_panels_mini_footer > div > div > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > div:nth-child(1) > h2
11 | 1.4.3 | This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 3.29:1. Recommendation: change background to #1a1a1a. | <h2 class="pane-title">
Politik & Planer...</h2>
| #mini-panel-os2web_base_panels_mini_footer > div > div > div > div:nth-child(5) > div > div:nth-child(1) > h2
12 | 1.4.3 | This element has insufficient contrast at this conformance level. Expected a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, but text in this element has a contrast ratio of 3.29:1. Recommendation: change background to #1a1a1a. | <h2 class="pane-title">
Selvbetjening ...</h2>
| #mini-panel-os2web_base_panels_mini_footer > div > div > div > div:nth-child(7) > div > div:nth-child(1) > h2
13 | 2.4.1 | This link points to a named anchor "content" within the document, but no anchor exists with that name. | <a href="#content" class="element-invisible element-focusable" tabindex="1">
Gå til hovedindhold </a>
| #skip-link > a
14 | 3.1.1 | The html element should have a lang or xml:lang attribute which describes the language of the document. | <html class="js webanimations target template arrow no-contains svg no-touchevents supports csstransforms3d"><head>
<title>Skoler og Udda...</html>
| html
15 | 3.2.2 | This form does not contain a submit button, which creates issues for those who cannot submit the form using the keyboard. Submit buttons are INPUT elements with type attribute "submit" or "image", or BUTTON elements with type "submit" or omitted/invalid. | <form action="/borger/skoler-og-uddannelse" method="post" id="os2web-subscription-add-subscription-form" accept-charset="UTF-8" autocomplete="off"><div><input type="hidden" name=...</form>
| #os2web-subscription-add-subscription-form
16 | 4.1.1 | Duplicate id attribute value "main-content" found on the web page. | <a id="main-content" tabindex="1403"></a>
| #main-content
17 | 4.1.2 | Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied. | <a href="#" class="js-megamenu-close" tabindex="1308"></a>
| #block-os2web-menus-os2web-menus > ul > li:nth-child(1) > div > a
18 | 4.1.2 | Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied. | <a href="#" class="js-megamenu-close" tabindex="1328"></a>
| #block-os2web-menus-os2web-menus > ul > li:nth-child(2) > div > a
19 | 4.1.2 | Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied. | <a href="#" class="js-megamenu-close" tabindex="1346"></a>
| #block-os2web-menus-os2web-menus > ul > li:nth-child(3) > div > a
20 | 4.1.2 | Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied. | <a href="#" class="js-megamenu-close" tabindex="1366"></a>
| #block-os2web-menus-os2web-menus > ul > li:nth-child(4) > div > a
21 | 4.1.2 | Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied. | <a class="print" href="/print/296568" tabindex="1404"></a>
| #block-system-main > article > header > a
22 | 4.1.2 | Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied. | <a target="_blank" href="/print/296568" tabindex="1405"> </a>
| #block-system-main > article > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(2) > a
23 | 4.1.2 | Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied. | <a href="https://www.ingenco2.dk/crt/dispcust/c/1941/l/2" target="_blank" tabindex="1501"><span class="icon-co2neutral-me...</a>
| #block-block-3 > div > a
24 | 4.1.2 | Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied. | <a href="#" id="loadingLink" tabindex="1523"></a>
| #loadingLink
25 | 4.1.2 | Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied. | <a id="bottomNavZoom" href="#" tabindex="1527"></a>
| #bottomNavZoom
26 | 4.1.2 | Anchor element found with a valid href attribute, but no link content has been supplied. | <a id="bottomNavZoomOut" href="#" tabindex="1528"></a>
| #bottomNavZoomOut
27 | 4.1.2 | This button element does not have a name available to an accessibility API. Valid names are: title undefined, element content, aria-label undefined, aria-labelledby undefined. | <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"><span class="icon glyphicon gly...</button>
| #search-block-form > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > span > button